Volume-4 (6th National Conference on "Recent Developments In Mechanical Engineering- 2017" )
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Abstract: The objective of this paper is to study partial foot amputation and its types, various loading conditions and finite element analysis of foot and prosthetic sockets used for lower limb loss persons. Partial foot amputation causes due to vascular insufficiency, trauma, frostbite, limb deficiency, diabetes and its complications. Finite element analysis becomes more feasible in biomechanical application due to its ability to give better results with complicated boundary and loading conditions. To give better gait cycle to partial foot amputation person carbon fiber foot plates or prosthetic sockets are used which are made up with traditional method or additive manufacturing method
Keywords –Partial foot amputation, static analysis, dynamic analysis, additive manufacturing, foot plate, prosthetic socket
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Abstract: Today in the conventional power steering systems, it is observed that there are many drawbacks, such as it reduces the engine power in case of hydraulic power steering system, reduces mileage which leads to increased demand of fuels. This increases the operating cost. There is a need to develop such a system which enhances the engine performance and gives better result as of the conventional steering system. In hydro electrical power steering the hydraulic energy is produced by an electrically driven pump rather than a belt driven pump as in traditional hydraulic power assisted steering systems.
Keywords–Hydro-electric steering.
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Abstract: An Ankle Foot Orthosis is a device that supports the ankle and foot area of the body and extends from below the knee and including foot area. This device is used to control instabilities in the lower limb by maintaining proper alignment and controlling motion of the foot. Finite element analysis of models was developed to predict the mechanical behavior of AFO. The Carbon Fiber is best suitable material for manufacturing of AFO also CF-AFO is capable of taking maximum stress than thermoplastic material also CF-AFO is light weight and durable than other materials. This is validated by conducting experimental testing and analysis by Ansys.
Keywords -AFO, drop foot, CF-AFO, Ansys, Finite element analysis.
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Abstract: This paper discuss case of vehicles rollover crash, where bus structure needs to be strong enough to ensure the minimum damage. Finite Element modelling of the entire bus structure was done using pre-processor HyperMesh. Finally simulation was carried using LS-DYNA explicit solver. In this work, numerical simulation of bus rollover test using finite element method is followed. Simulation was done to show that the improved the crashworthiness performance of bus superstructure for rollover analysis. To improve strength and stiffness requirements of bus structure and to avoid above problem, we need to add stiffeners at side pillars. The experimentation for finding the peak load carrying capacity and peak deformation for M.S. (mild steel) was done by using three point bending test on rectangular cross sectional roll bar and validating its results using FEA.
Keywords – Bus Rollover, Finite Element Analysis (FEA), LS-DYNA, Residual space, Tensile Test, Three-point Bending Test.
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Abstract: The main purpose of the this study is to analyze the different flexibility configurations in process industry in the critical piping systems. Piping is the main transportation method for conveying fluids from one location to another within the industry. The design of flexibility and the routing of the piping systems is influenced by the stresses generated due to thermal effect and high pressure of the operating fluid. If the pipeline is pressurized it creates huge loads on the supports and elbows there by increasing overall pressure in the pipeline. In case of long pipes which are operating under high temperature gradient tend to expand significantly. In order to relieve the above..........
Keywords - Piping, Flexibility Analysis ,Finite element Method, Petroleum Refinery , Process Industry,CAE
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Abstract: The containment test in turbocharger is performed to examine the bursted wheel containing capability of the turbine housing. The experimental test demands high investments and is time consuming. Hence, the containment test for turbocharger is simulated using Explicit Dynamics. To facilitate wheel burst, the groove is cut in the back face of the wheel to weaken it. The wheel burst simulated with circumferential groove as the weakening slot, gives an unequal number of fragments even though the analysis model is cyclic symmetric. This gives inappropriate results through containment analysis. One of the major reasons for randomness in fragment size is meshing of the model...........
Keywords - containment test, explicit dynamics, mesh concepts, pugh matrix, pattern, turbocharger
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Design and Analysis of High Pressure Extractor with Supercritical Fluid |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | K. D. Joshi || M. S. Kirkire |
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: | 10.9790/1684-17010043341 ![]() |
Abstract: Supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) of natural material with solvents like CO2, propane, butane, or ethylene is an important extraction process which allows the processing of plant material at low temperatures, hence limits thermal degradation, and avoids the use of toxic solvents. To achieve most effective, efficient and safe way to extract valuable constituent from natural botanicals at high pressure thorough design approach is a prime requirement. Various design parameters of equipment and chemical properties of supercritical carbon dioxide (SC-CO2) can affect the quantity and quality of extract. Researchers had focused on behavior of physicochemical properties of the SC-CO2, including density,............
Keywords - Supercritical fluid extraction, extractor design, high pressure vessel, FEA.
[1] Andrea Capuzzo, Massimo E. Maffei and Andrea Occhipinti, "Supercritical Fluid Extraction of Plant Flavors and Fragrances", MDPI* : molecule, 2013, 18, 7194-7238;
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Abstract: This paper represents theoretical and numerical analysis of the supports for evacuated tube collectors. Evacuated tube collector (ETC) system works on simple principle 'black body absorption'. This paper also contains the study of newly implemented evacuated tube collectors which are metal in glass tubes instead of glass in glass, that is copper in glass evacuated tubes and aluminium in glass evacuated tubes. At present, evacuated tubes going into production of solar water heaters are being imported from China and Taiwan. This is an attempt to replace this import commodity by an indigenous manufacturing technology with improved collection efficiency. The tube size with outer diameter of 58mm and length of 1800mm with collector area of 0.1044 m2 will be able to increase water temperature by 480c for volume 10 liters per tube. The supports which are used for supporting the horizontal vessel are saddle supports
Keywords -Evacuated tubes, Horizontal vessel, Saddle supports, Solar system, Thermal collector
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Abstract: Electricity is a basic part of nature and it is one of the most widely used forms of energy across the globe. We get electricity, (which is a secondary energy source) from the conversion of other sources of energy, like coal, natural gas, oil, nuclear power and other natural sources, which are called primary sources. Researches show that the world has already had its enough shares of its energy resources. Fossil fuels pollute the environment. Nuclear energy requires careful handling of both raw as well as waste material. Researches shows that large amount of power is generated from non-renewable energy resources compared to that of renewable energy resources................
Keywords - Renewable energy, rack and pinion, kinetic energy, electro-mechanical unit,, roller mechanism, chain sprocket.
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Abstract: Vibrations in the machines are introduced during operation due unbalanced forces. Therefore it should be eliminated or at least reduced. Vibration can be reduced by introducing the isolation between the vibration source and receiver. In this paper, the vibrations generated due to gyroscope coupled with variable speed motor are analyzed and reduced using nonmetallic isolators. The materials used are cork, rubber, and neoprene. The transmissibility is compared for three different speeds. For measuring the vibrations, FFT analyzer is used.
Keywords -FFT Analyzer, Isolator, Transmissibility, Vibration isolation.
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Abstract: Investigations have been carried out over decades to enhance the heat transfer using active, passive and compound heat augmentation techniques. The present work includes passive heat transfer augmentation technique using non-metallic flow divider type inserts with air as working fluid. Whenever inserts are used for heat transfer enhancement, along with increase in heat transfer rate, the pressure drop also increases. This increase in pressure drop increases the pumping cost. Hence heat augmentation technique should optimize between the benefits of heat transfer rate and increased pressure drop. Initially, for validation of setup, experiments were carried out for plain tube.................
Keywords - Forced Convection, Flow Divider Insert, Heat Augmentation, Nusselt Number, Reynolds Number.
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Abstract: This paper deals with study, analysis and design of Economical Solar Water Heater. Solar collectors, storage tanks and heat transfer fluids are the three core components in solar water heater applications. Among all flat plate collector type solar water heater is the most efficient. The development of an efficient low cost flat plate collector is an essential first step toward effective utilization of solar energy for water heating. Our aim is to develop solar water heater at the affordable price and test the prototype for efficiency. Replacement of Copper material with Aluminum will make it affordable. The floating assembly helps the system to extract the hot water from supply tank...............
Keywords - Flat plate solar collector, Floating assembly, Thermosyphon Principle.
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Abstract: Enhancement of heat transfer rate and reduction of fin dimension has major criteria in designing of heat exchanger components. This project is an experimental analysis to investigate forced heat transfer of rectangular fin by comparing both solid and circular perforation along the lateral axis of the fin. Performance is analyzed experimentally by designing experimental setup for specific fin length. Thermal performance, effectiveness and pressure drop reduction. Due to increase in surface area or convective area heat transfer rate increases, pressure drop reduces, Nusselt Number increases. The large impact is that higher reduction in weight of fin is achieved by producing perforation which is the major requirement in heat transfer equipment.
Keywords -Effectiveness, Enhancement, Fin length, Nusselt number, Perforation, Rectangular fin.
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